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Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs A/S logo

Ellegaard Academy

Date and time

Wednesday 14 December 2022 at 09:00 to 15:00

Registration Deadline

Tuesday 13 December 2022 at 12:15


Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs A/S, Soroe Landevej 302, 4261 Dalmose Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs A/S
Soroe Landevej 302
4261 Dalmose

Ellegaard Academy

Open House

Ellegaard Academy invite you to an Open House on 14 December from 9 to 15 at our breeding and research site in Dalmose, Denmark.

The theme is Get to know Göttingen Minipigs

You will be introduced to Ellegaard Academy and upcoming hands-on workshops and topics like health monitoring and the veterinarian's toolbox.

You will also receive a guided tour at our premises and see our Göttingen Minipigs from the attic.


09.00 - 10.00
Introduction to Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs A/S - Martin Windfeld Velin, CEO
Introduction to Ellegaard Academy - Susi Søgaard, Veterinarian & Academy Facilitator
10.00 - 10.30
Coffee break with networking
10.30 - 12.30
Guided tour at our premises and Göttingen Minipigs Inside Out (Demonstration in lab)
12.30 - 13.30

13.30 - 15.00
The veterinarian's toolbox and health monitoring - Susi Søgaard, Veterinarian & Academy Facilitator

Animal testing - best practice - Andres Eskjær Jensen, Study Director
Upcoming hands-on workshops - Adrian Zeltner, Technician
Language: English 

Accommodation and transport are not included. If you wish to book a hotel room, we will be pleased to recommend a nearby hotel - contact us at
Note: Admission to administrative buildings and/or viewing lofts above barriers
Please note that visitors are only allowed to enter the administration buildings and/or the viewing lofts above the barriers 48 hours, at the earliest, after contact to pigs including contact to their feces or urine. Furthermore, admission is only allowed if the visitor after the contact has showered and has changed clothes and shoes before entering the premises of Ellegaard Göttingen Minipigs.
Please note that less than 5 participants may lead to cancellation of the event.